Rao Pingru illustrates a love of sixty years.

Rao Pingru 11Rao Pingru is 96 years old, he has been the guest of honor of the Festival of comic strips which is held these days in Angouleme, in France. His first book, which combines text and drawings, has been translated into French and this week into English by Nicky Harman and yet he does not consider himself a writer or an artist.


He was older than 90 years when he wrote this first book:

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Romain Rolland, forgotten in France, praised in China.

romain-rollandWhat do you think of “Jean Christophe”? To reply that I had not read it resulted in a reaction of surprise from Chinese friends … I was all the less forgivable because I live in Paris around the Luxembourg Garden, near the 162 Boulevard du Montparnasse, where Romain Rolland stayed and wrote “Jean Christophe”.


Romain Rolland, a writer without borders:


He was a writer, an intellectual of a stature and influence which we … Lire la suite