In Malaysia, plantations and real estate, a great novel by Chuah Guat Eng.

A novel “Echoes of Silence” (A) and its sequel “Days of Change” (B), are a good overview of Malaysia’s post-war colonial years until the end of the century. Chuah Guat Eng, who wrote this novel at the age of fifty, after a professional life in marketing and communication, chose a Chinese narrator Lim Ai Lian and then her favourite character, Hafiz, a Malay.

– An unconventional literary life:

Chuah Guat Eng … Lire la suite

In Malaysia, plantations and real estate, a great novel by Chuah Guat Eng.

A novel “Echoes of Silence” (A) and its sequel “Days of Change” (B), are a good overview of Malaysia’s post-war colonial years until the end of the century. Chuah Guat Eng, who wrote this novel at the age of fifty, after a professional life in marketing and communication, chose a Chinese narrator Lim Ai Lian and then her favourite character, Hafiz, a Malay.

– An unconventional literary life:

Chuah Guat Eng … Lire la suite

En Malaisie, plantations et constructions, un bon roman de Chuah Guat Eng.

Un roman « Echoes of Silence » (A) et sa suite « Days of Change » (B), sont une bonne vision des années coloniales d’après-guerre en Malaisie jusqu’à la fin du siècle. Chuah Guat Eng qui a écrit ce roman à cinquante ans, après une vie professionnelle dans le secteur du marketing et de la communication, a choisi une narratrice chinoise Lim Ai Lian puis son personnage préféré, Hafiz, un Malais.

–        Une vie littéraire Lire la suite

Ed Lin with his detective novels helps us to understand the latest elections in Taiwan.

The results of the last elections in Taiwan were very surprising. When rereading some of the comments, it is clear that the fundamentals may have been forgotten in favour of personal preferences. The Taiwanese American writer Ed Lin, in a series of three detective novels, “A Taipei night market novel” (1), praises the charms of Taipei and reminds us of the essential features of Taiwanese history and society.

– Ed Lin, an atypical writer:

Ed … Lire la suite

Ed Lin with his detective novels helps us to understand the latest elections in Taiwan.

The results of the last elections in Taiwan were very surprising. When rereading some of the comments, it is clear that the fundamentals may have been forgotten in favour of personal preferences. The Taiwanese American writer Ed Lin, in a series of three detective novels, “A Taipei night market novel” (1), praises the charms of Taipei and reminds us of the essential features of Taiwanese history and society.

– Ed Lin, an atypical writer:

Ed … Lire la suite

Ed Lin avec ses romans policiers nous aide à comprendre les dernières élections à Taiwan.

Les résultats des dernières élections à Taiwan ont beaucoup surpris. En relisant certains commentaires, on se dit que les fondamentaux ont peut-être été parfois oubliés au profit de préférences personnelles. L’écrivain américain d’origine taiwanaise, Ed Lin, dans une série de trois romans policiers, « A Taipei night market novel » (1), nous vante les charmes de Taipei et nous rappelle les traits essentiels de l’histoire et de la société taiwanaise.

–        Ed Lin, un écrivain Lire la suite