Diane Wei Liang, from Tiananmen Square to detective novels.

Originally published on Rue89, 29/5/2010.

A childhood in a work camp, in love and activist in Beijing University during the “events” in Tiananmen Square in 1989. After graduating in psychology, Diane Wei Liang left China for an American university and a management consultant career. Now a mother, she lives in London, and has published two detective novels; the second, ” Paper Butterfly,” has just been translated into French.

“A lake with no name: the English … Lire la suite

“Do not cry Tai Lake” by Qiu Xiaolong.

Originally published on Rue89, 05/07/2010.




Pollution by green algae is no promotion for tourism. This is true for some beaches in France,in Brittany, but also for Lake Tai. Only one hour by train from Shanghai, it is unlikely to be part of the tours offered to visitors of the Expo. This is what tells us  the latest novel by Qiu Xiaolong, the master of the Chinese detective story.

The city of Wuxi, north of … Lire la suite