Su Tong: international profile and new books.

Su Tong is one of the writers shortlisted for the prestigious “Man Booker International” prize. A short book which has just been published “On a Bicycle” (1) is a good example of a talent that you may also enjoy in a few months when will be published in French a good novel (2) already translated into English and award-winning in Asia.

A dream, the “Booker International” prize :


The prize, endowed by the Man … Lire la suite

The philosopher François Jullien: “China, the greatest world power”

A remarkable book allows the non-specialist to find a good summary of the work of the philosopher and sinologist François Jullien, but also to follow his thoughts on many current topics: the evolution of Chinese power, human rights, decline in Europe, the role of the media …

Nicolas Martin and Antoine Spire, former journalists at the radio “ France Culture”, are the authors of many books. Their “China, the dissidence of François Jullien,” includes an … Lire la suite

Ha Jin and Chinese migrants, a great writer, one of them…

Not much is said at this moment about the Sino-American writer Ha Jin, in my view a major writer; his book ” War Trash ” is one of the most remarkable novels I’ve read in recent years. Good news, his latest novel, “A Free Life”, his first text on Chinese migrants in the United States, will be translated from English by Editions du Seuil In Paris, next september; we’ll come back on this.

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