Noyelles, the forgotten cemetery of Chinese workers of the Great War.

Noyelles 3We will commemorate on next July 1st the hundredth anniversary of the Battle of the Somme. Hopefully the Brexit will not overshadow these celebrations. This battle in a few months took away the lives of   a million people, 420,000 British and Commonwealth soldiers, 30,000 dead on the first day of the battle … The magnitude of the losses forced to use foreign labor including Chinese …


– An agreement with China to offset these Lire la suite

Internet, novel, historical studies, how to revive Shanghai’s French Concession?

Xiao Bai . Paris, mars 2014The French Concession of Shanghai is a fascinating episode in French colonial history and development of Shanghai. A “thriller”by Xiao Bai, has just been published and re-creates with talent and a remarkable historical accuracy the turbulences of the year 1931 in the “French Concession”.Once the book is finished, many questions remain which can be met by historical studies but also with the contribution, slightly disappointing,of the Internet.



– A “thriller” and a “historical” novel:Lire la suite

Cinema by Gao Xingjian: “Requiem for beauty”.

Gao Xingjian 5A film screened at the festival “Book District”, a week scheduled by the Academy and the Hall of the fifth district of Paris. One evening where Gao Xingjian also presented his poetry, translated by Noël Dutrait (1), his friend, an academic well known in particular for translating the works of two Nobel Prize Gao Xingjian in 2000 and Mo Yan in 2013.


– Gao Xingjian, a complete artist:


Two books made him famous: … Lire la suite