Novelist Yan Lianke paints a tragic picture of the Chinese dream.

Yan Lianke is one of the most important contemporary novelists, for sure a potential candidate for the Nobel prize. Nine of his books have been published in France by Les Editions Philippe Picquier. More English translations have been released with Carlos Rojas, a professor at Duke University, who has translated five of his novels. In just a few months, “The Day the Sun Died” (1) has received flattering feedback from all over the world.

This … Lire la suite

With Qiu Xiaolong, Inspector Chen Cao is investigating air pollution in China.

Qiu Xiaolong is a writer who has always made sure to renew himself. Although he is famous for Inspector Chen Cao’s police investigations, translated into some 20 languages and sold two million copies, poetry is an essential part of his work.

Inspector Chen’s poems slipped into his novels, translations of classical Chinese poems, publication of his collections of poems in the prestigious China Literature Today magazine or, two years ago, in an excellent collection published … Lire la suite