Love and ambiguity in London for the novelist Lee Kok Liang.

Lee Kok Liang 2Lee Kok Liang is, with Llyod Fernando and KS Maniam, one of the most important writers of Malaysian literature in English. Barrister, politician, author of two novels and two collections of short stories, he wins us over with his style, his qualities of observation and a detached and rather sad look at London, Paris and Malaysia in the 1960s.


– A pleasant novel, “London does not belong to me” (1)


Author of … Lire la suite

Mo Yan and the ghosts of the 1979 war.

Mo Yan et Noël Dutrait

Mo Yan et Noël Dutrait

The Sino-Vietnamese war of February-March 1979 is forgotten despite the current tensions between the two countries, particularly with regard to the Spratley islands. A conflict evoked by Mo Yan in a short novel, “The Reunion of Companions in Arms” (1), a book of 1992 where Mo Yan shows once again the extent of his talent.

1- Mo Yan after the Nobel Prize:


The award of the Nobel … Lire la suite